How does silicone defoamer achieve the defoaming process?
After adding the organosilicon defoamer to the foaming system, it can be quickly dispersed in it, and the surfactant molecules are arranged in a directional manner on the surface of the bubbles. When the organosilicon defoamer reaches a certain concentration and there are enough surfactant molecules, a thin film will be formed on the bubble wall and its surface tension will be reduced, thereby increasing the gas-liquid contact surface, and finally making the formed bubbles difficult to merge and burst.
Since the bubble membrane exposed to the air has a bimolecular membrane structure, in order to eliminate the foam, it is necessary to destroy and inhibit the formation of the thin film between the gas and the liquid. Therefore, the added organosilicon defoamer must be able to spread quickly on the surface of the solution, enter the bimolecular oriented membrane of the foam, and destroy the mechanical balance of the membrane, so as to achieve the purpose of defoaming.
For general organic compounds, their spreading coefficient is very small and they are also inert in chemical properties, so pure silicone oil cannot be used as a defoamer, but after emulsifying it to form an organosilicon defoamer, it can spread quickly on the surface of the solution, and a small amount can achieve many good defoaming effects.
The above is the content shared with you about how the organosilicon defoamer can achieve the defoaming process, and I hope it will be helpful to you. If you need to know more about defoaming agents, please contact us in time.